Other ways to give


Volunteer at the WMC

There’s something for every skill level and every schedule. Connect with others in the WMC family who share your values and your passion.


Pick, Click, Give to the Wrangell Mountain Center

We are part of the Permanent Fund Dividend Charitable Contributions Program. We are excited about the opportunity that it provides all Alaskans to give to their favorite nonprofit organizations. By giving through this program, you join others to become an important force in bettering our communities and our state. When you go online to sign up for your dividend, you will see the option to Pick.Click.Give.  Search for the Wrangell Mountains Center. Learn more about the program at www.pickclickgive.org. Thank you!


Fred Meyer Community Rewards

When you shop at Fred Meyer using your rewards card, Fred Meyer will donate to the Wrangell Mountains Center. Click here for instructions on how to add the Wrangell Mountains Center to your rewards card.


Amazon Smile

When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Wrangell Mountains Center. Bookmark the link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/92-0117864 and support us every time you shop.